This is how you might know Tony Leung - from Wong Kar-Wai:s In the Mood for Love, or 2046 (as above).
This is how I like him. From The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993 by Jeffrey Lau, with Wong Kar-Wai as executive producer).
The movie is an explosion in bad chinese humour and Fantasy-Kung Fu-parody. Flying boots, rubber monsters, gay jokes, brother-sister-cousin love dramas, frog kung-fu. After the novel by Louis Cha. Of course with Leungs favorite co-star Maggie Cheung and a handpicked dream team of other Hong Kong stars.
Mindblowing and utterly inspiring.
The subtitles are a chapter to themselves, and they do a lot to complicate the understanding of the allready inexpliccable plot. Here's an official synopsis:
The Queen of Golden Wheel Kingdom had a love affair with her cousin West Poison, and they planned to take over the Kingdom. The Princess discovered their treason, but she was defeated by West Poison. She sought her master's help. With the helps from East Evil, South Emperor, North Beggar and Chow Op-tong, she challenged West Poison again and a long fight begin...
Work on your swedish skills peeps, and enjoy an exclusive interview with Nose! Tune in to Leo & Leo at K103 tomorrow at 14, listen live here or pick up the podcast here. I'll be rambling about music making and playing some favorite tracks.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Bird & Bird
Mixed feelings.
Nose Vs. Nicolai Dunger
Made a remix of Nicolai Dunger's "The Harp's Coming In" today: Nose Vs. Nicolai Dunger - Harp (mp3)
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Cloud & Dog
Made porridge today. Does this mark a new Year of Porridge? My breakfast routines tend to be rigid. That always make for nice re-discoveries, after a Year Without Porridge.
Bart, my dutch flatmate, bought new coffee. The dutch are so dependable when it comes to drugs.
Does anyone know how much you can fix your dissolving passport with tape without getting arrested at the airport? Might have to take the bus to Sweden again, too late to apply for some new ID before my sisters doctorate party. Almost didn't get on the plane from Athens, and then ofcourse I forgot to get a new one.
DAMN SÄFFLEBUSS! How does one escape you?
Now I've got to start working on some stuff for Berlin vs Schweden, june 10 at Zielona Gora, Boxhagener Platz. More about that later.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
We're out of coffee.
Ok, out into the world! Of coffee.
Dog & Bathtub
Again, can someone tell me what the hell is going on? Is his bathtub leaving him? Where are his arms? Four-toed human feet? Is the tub filled with coffee?
I need coffee! That's it!
Ah, I get a big old grin on my face when I realize - I havent had my afternoon coffee! That's what it's all about, maybe not the drawing, but the overwhelming confusion, it's all due to lack of caffeine. Suddenly mind and body click, they understand each other and sing in unison. Doo-doo-doo.
Or do I need a bath?
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Lovely day
Top 10 How to ruin your good music-making-saturday-mood:
Don't take breaks
Don't finish anything, start something new when you're stuck
If you take breaks, stay in front of the computer
Don't eat anything
Work for an hour with a 5 second loop, or:
at least until it's broken up into 10 samples per second
Don't leave the apartment
If you eat, limit your nutrition to potato chips and coffee
Iris was talking about japanese businessmen and their uniforms the other day. It stuck in my head and turned out as this little experiment in shapes.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Cat & Dead Cat
Birds meet Cat
And then what?
Stereolab-review now in english
Updated the original Stereolab-post with a translation since everyone wanted to know what I was writing about them, and perhaps about Stereolab as well.
Mattias asked for a woman screaming BINGO without having bingo. So whaddya think he got? Exactly that, cause he sure deserves it.
The page I drew it on (while trying to interview germans about cable TV) was to small to have a huge "BINGO" in it (how do they think when they do these tiny little pages?), so you can just change the scoreboard to something else and you've got a million uses of this little lady.
What shall I draw for you today? Leave me a comment!
[Updated & translated May 18, scroll down for swedish]
Got the last Stereolab-standing section-ticket available (how the hell could I take a chance like that?), went there alone & quickly became drunk (you couldn't get into the concert room with drinks, so you had to be fast), met a dutch video artist I'd met once before, with friends.
Awesome concert, might be a good way to put it short. The 7-man band was mostly standing around, Latitia Sadier had to do all the front work herself (after all the other women died or disappeared), I was bouncing around with joy trying to get a moshpit going with all other nerds and art-poppers, felt like an inferno of jumping and doo-wopping. Haven't felt that much as a fan since grunge & Pearl Jam. The bizarre thing with Stereolab is only that the songs have got so god damn random names that it's all quiet when they announce that they're going to play "Plastic Mile" or "Widow Weirdo", and then the cheering starts 10 seconds into the song when we all got what song it was. And I want to sing along but don't understand one french syllable.
Pretty creepy in songs where horns replace Mary Hansens voice (she's the one who died, biking accident, scheisse). When you can hear what's missing. And the chorus of "...sudden Stars" - if you must go, go. Pitch black easy listening, you're swallowing something sweet and suddenly notice the bitter medicine covered in honey.
After taking pictures of Laetitias teacup I'm thinking of nicking the setlist, but someone beats me to it.
When the first encore is over I'm ready to go home, but the whole goddamn audience is clapping and stomping for at least 15 minutes (no exageration - lights on and pause music playing), until the band enters again and furiously bangs their instruments for another 20 minutes.
A friend of the dutch girl seems to know the manager, "backstage" is all open, I don't really want to hang out with the band (please separate people from people, don't let me get bored with my heroes), I drink a beer next to them, then we head for the little gay bar with pink fluffy walls where I and Leo first learned to love Berlin, 4 years ago. Me, Iris (the dutch), Pikey (the manager, the first guy I've met in Berlin who understood my taste in music, plus a nice beer drinking brit), Alex (crazy girl who presumeably knew Pikey), David (according to Iris a big Minnesota-version of me), David (fun german german guy) and Mi (berlinerin who taught me korean).
Everyone except Pikey and Minnesota-David end up at my place with Vodka-orange, watching each others Flickr-sets. Retarded, but nice.
Köpte den sista Stereolab-biljetten som fanns (hur i helvete kunde jag chansa så?), drog dit ensam & blev snabbt full (man fick inte gå in i konstertrummet med öl, så snabba puckar), träffade en holländsk videokonstnärinna jag stött på förut, med vänner.
Fruktansvärt bra spelning, kan man väl sammanfatta. 7-mannabandet stod mest still, Laetitia Sadier fick göra allt front-arbete själv (alla andra kvinnliga medlemmar har dött eller försvunnit), jag studsade runt av lycka och försökte få igång en moshpit bland alla andra nerdar och art-popare, jag kände mig som ett inferno av hoppande och trallade. Har inte känt mig så mycket som ett fan sen grunge & Pearl Jam-eran. Det bisarra med Stereolab är ju bara att låtarna har så jävla random namn att det är helt tyst när de säger "nu spelar vi Plastic Mile" eller "Widow Weirdo", och sen kanske det kommer hurrande 10 sekunder in i låten när vi fattat vad dom spelar. Och jag vill ju gärna sjunga med, men fattar inte ett ord franska.
Läskigt i låtar där en tuba får ersätta Mary Hansens röst (Det var hon som dog. Cykelolycka. Scheisse.). När man hör vad som saknas. Och "...sudden Stars" - if you must go, go. Nattsvart tragisk easy listening, man sväljer nåt sött och inser att det är en besk jävla medicin som dolts i honungen.
Efter att ha fotat Laetitias te-kopp funderar jag på att sno setlisten, men nån hinner före.
När första encoren är över är jag beredd att gå, men hela jävla publiken står och stampar i minst 15 minuter (utan överdrift - tända lampor och pausmusik har gått igång), tills bandet äntrar igen och slår på sina instrument i 20 minuter till.
En kompis till holländskan är polare med managern, backstage är helt öppet, jag vill helst inte hänga med bandet (skilj på folk och folk för fan, låt mig inte ha tråkigt med mina hjältar), står och dricker en öl brevid dem, sen drar vi till den lilla bögbaren med rosa fluffväggar där jag och Leo först lärde oss älska Berlin för 4 år sen. Jag, Iris (holländskan), Pikey (managern - den förste jag träffat i Berlin som fattat min musiksmak och dessutom en skön öl-britt) Alex (tokig brud som kände Pikey tror jag), David (enligt Iris en stor Minnesota-variant av mig), David (trevlig om än tysk tysk) och Mi (berlinska som lärde mig koreanska).
Alla utom Pikey och Minnesota-David hamnar hemma hos mig med Vodka&apelsinjuice och kollar på varandras Flickr-set. Stört.
Nu sitter jag och undrar vart fan brudarna tog vägen.
Have just had a splendid hangover sunday that I finished off with Jonna & Malena, tea, King Kong and Howl's Moving Castle - an awesome combo of sentimental unhappy-ending action adventure VS weirdo fantastic sentimental happy-ending anime.
Yesterday was, as Leo already told you in plain swedish - masquerade night. I bought the worlds largest costume pants for 15€ from a drag queen, a couple of pilot-sunglasses and plugged in my headset, drank a couple of gin&tonic - and we were transformed into the Secret Service. Or were we? We suddenly realized that the absence of white shirts & ties, plus wearing sneakers, made us look more like Triple & Touch, the sweet göteborgian entertainment trio that turned duo after the fat guy turned Loket. I was Ken Wennerholm.
It's a great feeling getting to scream at people / into a headset, in american, and trying to impose authority over man-size animals, people with electric glowing penises and... you know.
I add picture evidence to the casefile, including our phantom picture of Lasse Kronér.
Top 3 things to find in an armchair: while looking for your keys dressed out as Ken Wennerholm
5 DM & 40 pfennig
One little scissor
One big scissor
2 questions for the day: What is triple? Who or what is touch?
Saturday, May 13, 2006
I drew this from an ad in a german newspaper while interviewing american risk managers about corporate insurance companies yesterday. Not very sure about what the ad was trying to sell, or what my questions were about.
Fossingar of DEATH vs. fjun
Gårdagens trauman. Fjun & stank. Vilket är värst? Eller har du själv någon gång haft ett värre problem? Diskutera i klassen!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Wut, Kopfschmerzen und Kaffee
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Fistfights & Fjällbältan
Life is a load of painful crap and marvellous wonder.
Almost got into a fist fight with my best friend tonight. Haven't been that close since 2002 or something. Scary, but I feel alive, and I feel love. Gonna take my case for my glasses with me next time, then you're in for something Leo! Or let's find an outside enemy?
It's gonna be fun. And it'll hurt.
More love: thanks for calling today Erika.
And J-Kwonna, don't ever dare leave this town!
- - - - -
Vräk vräkvurrvurrVURRRRRR!
Fjällbältan vänder sig i hotfulla situationer på rygg och skjuter ut rätt långa taggar ur sin släta mage, för att avskräcka potentiella angripande våldsverkare. Svin!
När faran är över sjunker de in igenom magköttet igen, men lämnar äckliga jävla sår efter sig, som varar och infekteras.
Fjällbältan dör alltsomoftast en jävligt jävla plågsam död av blodförgiftning och sånt, inom en halv dag.
Sov gott Fjällbältan!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Uppdrag: väck mig för fan
Irijirigundelig har tappat en bruttolön på anstalten, och kommer tillbaka när det mörjknaj. Hon kommer inte ut ur luckan, hon bara mullrar, MRRMRMRRMMRMRM, tills vi blivit mysvarma av vibrationerna och det sticker under huden, så som det sticker i brosket, och under näsan!
Jo, som sagt och gjort, hat är en sinnesstämning jag länge/alltid underskattat, och som klär mig, men gör det svårt att skriva saker, jag måste skriva jävligt fort för att inte börja slå och klösa på apparaturen,APAPAPAAPAP!!!. Det gör lite ont i bröstet eftersom jag andas fort tio andetag och sen inte alls på en minut, men fort skriver jag, ja för fan. Du kan ge dig på det! På den är du given och på den tredje ärru med!
02.45, ett par timmar till, sen slutar kroppen automatiskt om jag har tur och krökar bra, sen är det bara skiten med att komma upp igen nån gång framåt eftermiddan imurgon. Hoppas nån jävel ringer, RING OM DU LÄSER DET HÄR på onsdag morgon, och vill göra mig en tjänst, och vara min vän, du får 200 fotbolls-VM-biljetter som tack! Andorra möter Achilles på Helmholdsplatz. Där står de och böjer sina krassegröna korsryggar i vinden, lutade mot små gula stöd-barn.
Tack på förhand! Då säger vi så! Utropstecken!
Top 5 personal buzzwords
Hate: a fresh new energic approach to life, have tried it a couple of days, is WAAAY better than apathy, at least you get more things done. Maybe not for everyone, but I just seem to become more straightforward and sincere when I try to project hatred onto my environment, friends and colleges. All smiles are fake smiles (I'm firing one of those smiles away as I type).
Grindie: genre that's going to make me and Leo rich. I'm adding jazz drum solos right now though, can't stop myself, goddammit, don't know if that's going to fit in with the dubstep & guitars, but since we're pioneers and shit I guess it will.
Birds: not so much as words, but as pictures, I'm going to post some mean looking birds when I've hooked up my scanner, it's more bird-rabies than flu.
Don't really have a fourth.
Rent: scheisse, have forgotten to transfer the money to Thomas...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Riots, grime, art & friends
Leo in a sea of cops on May 1st. The second after I shot this, a cop tapped his shoulder and asked if he could borrow the lookout-spot.
Had a great weekend. Obvious, since I'm writing about it on a wednesday.
Erika came down from Gothenburg, Andreas gave us a guide to the former jewish girl school at the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art (that I wouldn't have visited otherwise). My favorite there was the Axl Rose poster that had been left on a wall when the school was closed in '86.
Heavy mosh pit action at the Lethal B concert at Cafe Moskau. Berlin punks are nothing compared to Grime Time!
And, of course, Mayday! Berlin punks throwing bottles, fighting cops and setting Oranienstrasse on fire! Felt pretty much as serious as Wrestling - it get's calmer every year they say, the cops almost seemed bored, just focused on a couple of guys that they beat up / dragged away, the rest of us could run around and take photos how ever much we wanted. If swedish cops would face a situation like that, they'd have shot 10 people in panic.
So, back to work and watching a couple "24" episodes at night for a couple of days. Wieder gesundes Leben!